
The Netherlands export

The Netherlands is one of the biggest exporters of heifers and semen in the entire world. All over the world the quality of the Dutch dairy cattle is well known. Semen and embryos of Dutch livestock is sold in more than 80 countries and livestock is exported to all countries in Europe, North of Africa and the Middle East.

How we guarantee quality

When buying animals or genetic offspring through members of Veepro Holland a certain level of quality is guaranteed. To ensure the best performance of each individual animal, it is very important that the animals are well taken care for.
This not only means feeding, but also housing, milking and nurture. Wherefore, Veepro Holland is available for consultancy. Whether it may be sending an consultant along to the client or with articles, guidelines and field trips.

After contacting an exporter through Veepro Holland, an agent will conclude all necessary arrangements for the client. This agent, will scour the land for the best livestock meeting the specific requirements of the client. The client is welcome to join the agent in this searching and selecting of his desired animals.

Final steps

After the animals have been selected, the agent will transport the animals to an assembly stable. The agent, who is familiar with the European and National regulations and legislations, will fill in all the required documents and alert the NVWA for the health check of the animals and the documentation by a certified veterinarian. And lastly, the agent will arrange the transport, resting places and the safe arrival of the animals at the desired location.

The NVWA controls the administration, the animals and if all is in accordance. These controls happen before and during the export; at the assembly center, at the resting places and at the border passages.

Assembly centers

In the assembly centers the animals are collected before transport. Only certified assembly centers are used. These centers are routinely inspected and approved by the NVWA according to the rules in the guidebook. The stables are divided in different units and must be cleaned and disinfected after every use. These different epidemiological units can be used separately to quarantine animals with a different health status and for different destinations simultaneously.

There is also a separate room available for wounded, sick or suspected of illness animals. After the control at the assembly center the animals are placed in quarantine and the specific requirements for certain diseases are met according to rules and legislation of the imported countries. During quarantine, the animals are housed in a thick straw bed with continuous availability of water and food.

The duration of stay at the assembly center is dependent on the requirement of the destined import country. During the quarantine two more controls are required by the certified veterinarian, when these controls do not comply with the rules and legislation or haven’t been performed an export and/or import refusal is issued. This is also the case if the lab research indicates that there is a presence of a certain disease.

Resting places

Similar to the assembly centers, the certified resting places are routinely inspected and approved by the NVWA. These centers may only be used to shelter livestock and to provide care, rest, food and water. These shelters have high hygienic and health measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Between different transported groups there must be at the least a 24 hour window for cleaning and disinfections.

The animals may stay for a maximum of six days and the center the animals are housed in a thick straw bed with continuous availability of water and food.

Similar to the assembly center there must be a separate room for wounded, sick or suspected of illness animals. When a group arrives a certified veterinarian checks the animals for their continued suitability for transport, the documentation and course of the journey. When located near a border, the resting place functions as a site for border passage as well. At the site of a border passage similar controls and measurement are necessary as with resting places.


During transport Veepro Holland ensures great care for the animals by firstly, using qualified caregivers during the loading and unloading of the animals. Secondly, only utilizing acknowledged resting place, assembly centers and border passages with the supervision of a certified veterinarian. Thirdly, using qualified chauffeurs for the transport and lastly, using the best equipment and trucks during the transport to ensure the safe arrival of the animals. Look at the factsheets for more information.

For transporting livestock Veepro Holland uses livestock trucks, for example the Cattle Cruisers. These livestock trucks maintains the animals wellbeing during travel. The livestock trucks have the newest equipment and are build according to the de EU guidelines for transporting cattle. Look at the videos or guidelines for more information.

The livestock trucks minimalize all potential risks which could occur during transport.

  • Airconditioned livestock transport
  • Maximum amount of animals
  • More than enough food and water supplies
  • Above the required amount of space above the withers
  • Vibrations are damped
  • Non-slip floor surfaces
  • Thick layer of litter
  • Measuring equipment that provides a continuous vies of the animals and of the temperature
  • Use of certified drivers

Transport regulation

The EU has drafted a transport regulation for the protection of the animals during transport and all activities surrounding transport. For example, in this document the legal drive and rest times are noted for live animals as well as for the driver.

Cattle (hour) Vehicle type I Vehicle type II
Drive 8 29 / 14-1-14*
Rest 1
Driver (hour) Daily Weekly 2 Weeks
Drive 9 56 90
Rest 11 45

*After 14 hours a one hour rest is obligated to water and feed the animals, after which the animals may drive for another 14 hours. After the second 14 hours a minimum of 24 hour rest is required at a certified resting place.

The transport regulation also demands the animals protection against weather, extreme temperatures and climate changes. It is prohibited to transport animals at a temperature of 35°C or higher (95°F).

When there is a risk of heat or cold stress during transport the animals have to be properly checked during all stops. Veepro Holland works with NGOs to continue transforming the process to a more animal friendly procedure.

Together we strive to minimalize the suffering of animals before, during and after transport. To ensure this there are regularly control points to enforce legislation. This way Veepro Holland guarantees animal welfare during transport.

Export certificates

Veepro Holland also helps to facilitate the export procedures. De rules and legislation are drafted by the NVWA and for every export in and outside of Europe certain certificates are necessary. In addition to these certificates there are also legal requirements the importing country applies to all imported livestock.
The export certificates are issued by certified veterinarians of the NVWA and include the next certificates.

  • Traces certificate
  • Veterinary certificate
  • Health certificate